Getting the whole picture right. Then the best of the company really becomes visible.

allura method

We grant green entrepreneurs more allure.

The allura method is our approach for researching formulating and implementing the company story, mission, vision and core values. In that process, we go through 3 stages, each of which has its own purpose. Over time, the phases may overlap.

1. corporate identity

We formulate answers to questions such as “Who are we,” “What is our common goal or purpose,” “What sets us apart in the marketplace,” “What do we stand for?

Approach: We research and formulate what sets the company apart and what it goes and stands for. We do this through individual discussions, group discussions, and/or specially designed workshops. Each course is customized to the client’s needs and capabilities.

Result: Your company’s story. Not a contrived story, but the story as everyone will recognize and appreciate it. Mission, vision, core values and other texts for your situation. The story can be expressed in a variety of resources, which will be developed in Phases 2 and 3.

We can also use this approach for formulating a vision for leadership, sustainability story, rationale for a change or change trajectory, a brand story, etc.

2. internal branding

The second stage is about “doing what you say. All employees are involved in this phase. After all, when it’s clear what a company is about and stands for, we want to radiate that on all sides. We want employees to understand and for their behavior to fit the story. This requires that employees begin to feel, experience and communicate the core values. Everyone matters, and everything we do. That’s how the whole picture starts to come together.

Approach: We bring the story or strategy to life with employees. Step 1 already involved some of the employees, but now everyone is involved through presentations, workshops and recurring messages. Board and management have a big role. Together we develop resources with impact, and make sure we make it fun.

Consider workshops, booklet, intranet, internal app and event, among others.

At this stage, a period of
interim management
to develop or move parts of the organization forward may be a component.

3. positioning

In phase 3, we align external communications with the story. So that clients, partners and others also recognize your story in resources and behavior. Company promise and customer experience are equal. “What you see is what you get.”

Approach: This step deals with external communication, both in resources and employee behavior. We work together with agency(s), our own organization and support where desired through advice, (interim) management or projects.

The role of Allura Vision Growers varies in the different phases of the project, but can also vary from company to company. We can research, organize, implement and support, but we can also coach employees to take up the process themselves. That’s what we mean by customization. We tailor our services to the capabilities and needs of our clients.

Want to learn more about Allura Vision Growers’ workshops and coaching?